A fight broke out between two men on the 300 block of North Frances Street early Saturday morning and led to a third man knocking one of the men unconscious, according to a Madison Police Department report.
A security guard tried to subdue the two men, who started the fight at approximately 2:39 a.m., but was unable to contain the third man, who knocked a 24-year-old man unconscious and broke several of his teeth, according to the report by MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain.
The guard was able to provide enough details for responding officers from University of Wisconsin-Madison police and the MPD to apprehend 21-year-old Steffan Jackson, who assaulted the victim.
Jackson was tentatively charged with substantial battery, and the victim and other man involved in the fight were cited for disorderly conduct following the incident.
Tags: crime, battery, fight, North Frances Street, Joel DeSpain, Steffan Jackson