American flags can be seen blanketed across the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s iconic Bascom Hill today in observance of the tragedy that took place on 9/11 13 years ago.
In 2001, two hijacked airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City as part of a coordinated terrorist attack on the United States. A third plane hit the Pentagon in Virginia and a fourth plane thought to be aimed at Washington D.C. crashed in a Shanksville, Pa. field after its passengers resisted the terrorists hijacking the plane. Nearly 3,000 lives were lost as a result of the attacks.
Various student organizations—including College Democrats, College Republicans, Vets for Vets and members of the Theta Chi Fraternity—placed 2,977 flags across the popular hill early Thursday morning as a sign of remembrance.
Charlie Hoffman, Chair of College Republicans, said it is important now more than ever to observe those who were lost, lost someone or helped serve during the terrorist attack.
“This year’s freshman class has probably no, if a very vague, memory of 9/11,” Hoffman said. “As more time passes, the more important memorials like this become.”
The chair of the College Democrats, Hayley Young, said no matter what your political viewpoint is, it is important to remember and observe the 2001 attacks.
"This is an example of where our organizations are truly bipartisan," Young said. "Commemorating 9/11 is especially important for organizations that want to participate in civil dialogue and the American political system."
Hoffman added that the collaborative effort with the College Democrats mirrors the feeling of unity that all Americans felt after the attacks transpired.
“We’re all Americans in the end,” Hoffman said. “We’re all fighting for the same cause.”
The flags will remain on the hill until 8 p.m.