The University of Wisconsin System will form a new task force to take on sexual assaults across all 13 four-year UW campuses.
UW System President Ray Cross announced Thursday the formation of the Task Force on Sexual Violence and Harassment, an initiative to improve the prevention of sexual assaults system-wide, according to a UW System press release.
The program will look closely at the UW System strategies currently in place and modify them if necessary to better protect students.
“Ensuring that our campus communities are safe and welcoming places to live, work, and learn is a top priority,” Cross said in the release. “This is not an area for compromise.”
The specific duties of the task force will include publicizing laws against sexual violence and promoting their enforcement, as well as providing training resources for prevention programs.
The task force will assess the prevalence of sexual assaults and harassment on UW campuses to raise awareness of the issue. It will also develop community partnerships to prevent and respond to sexual violence.
Members from all UW campuses will serve on the task force, along with representatives from UW-Extension and UW Colleges.