The recent murders of satirists in France have awakened the world to how seriously religious extremism threatens the principle of free speech. Now, liberals need to capitalize on this awakening with messages that reflect the critical need to preserve this basic human right in pressing times. Sure, the word “capitalize” may initially come across as hypocritical, particularly when many liberals favor a system of socialism (for legitimate reasons, in my opinion), but these ideologies are not motivated by any profit, nor any prophet. Don’t get me wrong—my heart bleeds as much as Jane Fonda’s circa 1972, however, I have come to terms that as liberals, we often find ourselves in a community with too many soapboxes and not enough…soap consumers? (I would say “too many Chiefs and not enough Indians,” but I wouldn’t want to be on the same level as the Washington Redskins).
So liberals, make these messages shorter, sweeter and even more to the point. Get back to the drawing boards, literally. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say as much as they want to know what you see. Fortunately, conservatives who want to challenge the left via cartooning will fall short in their wit because in reality, conservatives appear to be better at simply following marching orders. Now, can someone please do a caricature of Rebecca Kleefisch? Preferably one that distinguishes her from a Barbie doll?
Tony is a junior majoring in landscape architecture. What is your take on his stance that liberals should draw more cartoons? We’d like to hear your take on this issue. Please send all feedback to