The UW System Board of Regents will honor a UW-Madison assistant professor Friday for his success with and support of diversity on campus.
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health Erik R. Brodt, leads the Native American Center for Health Professions, which seeks to recruit and support the graduation rates of American Indian students majoring in health professions.
Brodt works with the NACHP under a $1 million, five-year grant, Indians into Medicine, and is creating a series of films named “We Are All Healers”.
Other recipients will include UW-La Crosse Professor of History Victor M. Macías-González and the Research Apprenticeship Program at UW-Whitewater.
“The recipients … are leading by example, using innovative, effective methods to expand educational opportunity for historically underrepresented student populations,” Regent José Vásquez said. “We are honored to recognize their dedication to helping more and more students develop their talents and give back to their communities.”