Impress your friends and improve your wimpy lexiconulatory skills with these little-known words.
Arsefarcey [ar-suh-far-see]
1. Intelligent-sounding blather of no real substance or intellectual worth. Total bullshit.
ex. “I probably won’t watch the presidential debates. They’re almost entirely arsefarcy anyways.”
Blasfiferous [blas-fif-er-ous]
1. Otherworldly. Of or regarding a different realm of time and space. Not abiding by the rules of physics.
ex. “Michael Jordan’s jumping ability was blasfiferous. He cleared the Milky Way from the free-throw line.”
Condignitararararian [kun-dig-ni-ti-ra-ra-ra-ri-en]
1. A person who believes in the existence or reality of a thing that is very obviously false or imagined.
ex. “I once met a six-year-old who still believed in the moon landings. What a condignitararararian.”
Lurf [lerf]
1. A single unit of beeswax. Often found near birds and/or bees.
ex. “I just spent $800 on a lurf of beeswax. Why did I do something so foolish?”
Splamtangrasize [splam-tan-gra-size]
1. To profusely release the contents of one’s stomach through every possible orifice.
ex. “I splamtangrasized all over my lecture hall after I ate an entire dolphin for lunch.”
Syrupterousness [syr-up-ter-ous-ness]
1. A generally syrupy demeanor. Slow moving and lethargic, but in a sweet, lovable way.
ex. “Good ol’ Dan’s been so syrupterous since he ate all those dog biscuits.”