The Open Seat, an on-campus food pantry sponsored by the Associated Students of Madison, will open Friday after several months of preparation.
Located on the fourth floor of the Student Activity Center, The Open Seat aims to remove stresses about food insecurity for students at UW-Madison by providing “friendly and accessible sources of food,” according to its webpage.
The Open Seat, which was modeled after a similar food pantry at UW-Stevens Point, gathered food and household items in a December campus food drive. Food pantry student employees Alison Montenegro and Samantha Arriozola sorted through the donations to prepare for the pantry’s opening.
Montenegro said in an email the idea for the pantry began last year, when former ASM Chair Genevieve Carter and Vice Chair Derek Field heard stories of students who struggled with food insecurity. She said ASM provided $3,000 in student segregated fees for the pantry’s budget, aside from employee payment.
In the email, Montenegro said The Open Seat will take any feedback as it launches and is open to suggestions from others.
Those interested in getting involved with The Open Seat can email