The new nationwide trend of corduroy pillows has recently reached the Madison community. Madison citizens can be seen in coffee shops, on bicycles or even strolling down State Street while sporting freshly pressed lines across their cheeks.
Designer pillow extraordinaire Kevin Thomas gave Daily Cardinal reporters some insight as to why the trend has caught on so quickly. “It’s fashionable,” Thomas noted, “even though the comfort factor is nonexistent, anyone in the business will tell you that fashion does not equate to comfort.”
Ranging from slip-on pillow cases to limited-edition designs, corduroy pillows have made an impression on the lives (and faces) of the Madison populace. The widespread trend originated from millennial fashion.
Popularized as the “Bohemian” style, also known as “Boho,” today’s youth seem to strive to appear like they have just rolled out of bed. Corduroy pillows are the perfect fashion tools for creating such a look. “It’s my dream come true,” Thomas said, “Finally we are incorporating pillows into fashion, and Madison is the perfect city for this trend to really make a dent.”