The Associated Students of Madison Student Council gave final approval on the grant for Wunk Sheek’s annual Spring Powwow during a meeting Wednesday.
The ASM Finance Committee voted Tuesday evening to approve a $14,000 grant for the powwow, but ASM and Wunk Sheek representatives expressed frustration with the process.
Members of the student organization, representing Wisconsin's 11 native tribes, spoke during the open forum about the group's efforts to make this event a success. All representatives spoke of the “exhausting” amount of work put in by students to plan the powwow, as well as their frustrations regarding resistance they met from campus groups, faculty and other organizations when seeking support.
Finance Committee Chair Ariela Rivkin spoke to the committee's greatest reservations about the grant. She cited student inaccessibility to the proposed Alliant Center venue, a $600 deposit being funded retroactively and a “Save the Date” posting on the Alliant Center website without ASM approval.
However, Rivkin said the committee felt confident in finding ways to work around these issues and Wunk Sheek’s ability to satisfy the requirements.
Rivkin and ASM Chair Madison Laning agreed their largest concern was the amount of perceived administrative involvement surrounding Wunk Sheek’s request for funding.
Because student segregated fees are not frozen, committee members said there is growing concern that administration will push more program funding responsibilities onto ASM in an attempt to close budget gaps.
Laning, who recused herself as chair for this debate, said that in a meeting with the vice provost’s office, it became clear to her that ASM’s role on campus is confusing to the administration.
She said it “came down to misleading an organization,” and urged council members that department missteps shouldn’t dissuade them in supporting the Finance Committee’s decision.
“If this is an issue of ignorance where the admin had no idea of the bounds of ASM... and they pushed this on the student org, that's the fault of everyone,” said ASM Representative Matt Wulf. “We need to ensure they know where we draw the line and make sure this doesn't happen next week or in the future.”