A panel of students from schools across the UW System sat down with the Board of Regents Friday to detail experiences of marginalized student groups and propose recommendations for an improved atmosphere of understanding and inclusion on campus.
Regent President Regina Millner said although a broad spectrum of students, faculty and community members have been engaging in conversations about diversity and equity over the past several months, she recognizes there is more work to be done. Millner added that Friday’s panel would provide the regents with perspectives needed to shape policies that would positively affect campus climate.
Five students from schools including UW-Madison, UW-Stout, UW-Green Bay, UW-Parkside and UW-Whitewater participated in the panel, which was capped with a spoken word performance from UW-Green Bay freshman Selena Deer.
UW-Madison sophomore Mariam Coker spoke about personal discrimination she has faced, as well as other incidents of hate and bias that recently occurred on campus.
“The issue is that we are not seeing people’s humanity,” Coker said, adding that if these incidents are not fixed, it creates a campus climate that tells marginalized students they are not welcome.
Coker advocated for mandatory diversity trainings for all students and staff, more substantial ethnic studies requirements, more culturally competent therapists and affordable housing and groceries.
Coker also described the university’s recent Moving Forward event, which welcomed over 400 students, faculty and community members for a discussion surrounding hate and bias incidents, mental health services and other similar issues. Although she called the event successful, Coker said “the people who needed to be there weren’t there.”
UW-Green Bay senior Asti Martin said students who are judged, stereotyped and targeted because of the color of their skin may find it difficult to continue school because those experiences have a lasting impact on their education.
As a member of the Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Committee, Martin said she works to promote student and faculty education on issues of diversity and equity, and added that it would be helpful to have more faculty and staff who “actually represented us” at the university.
Several regents responded to the panel, including Regents José Vasquez and Eve Hall, who commended the students for sharing their experiences and said they recognized the need for quality education and support.
Regent Tim Higgins asked the students why they feel it is not their job to educate white people on these issues, to which Coker responded it places an extra burden on students to have to explain and justify their culture.
“It’s my job to get an education, it’s my job to learn,” Coker said. “It should not be an extra priority for me to teach people who ask things out of curiosity rather than respect.”
Millner wrapped up the discussion with the announcement of a new task force to examine the experiences of minority students on campus. The task force, which she said will be comprised of regents, chancellors and students, will collect and examine student experiences and identify areas for improvement.
Following the meeting, the regents hosted a “listening luncheon” where other students could share their experiences and thoughts about equity and inclusion issues on their campuses.