A Bassett Street resident called Madison police to report an intruder in their house early Monday morning—just blocks away from the Southeast part of UW-Madison’s campus.
The suspect involved in the incident could be the same person who was reported prowling the same property and peeping in the windows on earlier occasions, but this is the first incident where the suspect was in the home.
Three residents were present when the intruder entered the home, and one suffered minor injuries after the suspect punched them. Although no property was stolen, the suspect did escape.
The incident occurred on the 100 block of North Bassett Street. The suspect has not yet been apprehended. Police described him as approximately 5 foot 8 inches and 140 to 150 pounds.
Officer David Dexheimer, who wrote the incident report, said that MPD is working with a “good description” of the suspect, but they cannot put it to an identity. He said the report did not specify if the residents were UW-Madison students.
He said residents in the area can be safe by locking their doors at all times, even when they’re home and they should be sure to prevent windows from raising up all the way during hot nights by using sash locks.
“Watch out for each other and report anything suspicious to us and we can check it out for you,” he said. “We want everybody to be safe.”
Dexheimer said he was not aware of any other houses being entered by the suspect.