Lewis Friedland, a UW-Madison professor, proposed to an audience Tuesday that the state of Wisconsin has become a “laboratory of oligarchy” controlled by the ultra-wealthy.
According to Friedland, who is in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, this oligarchy is comprised of the top .01 percent of Americans who control almost 45 percent of the country’s wealth.
Friedland’s remarks were a part of a 15-part lecture series about the Wisconsin Idea entitled "FORWARD? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present.”
Friedland explained that conservative groups such as Americans for Prosperity and the Bradley Foundation actively intervened in recent state politics and that they have managed to form a “civic oligarchy.”
“Their primarily concern is the defense of income,” Friedland said. “They can substitute money for political mobilization in order to achieve their ends.”
Friedland attributed the success of this small group of ultra-wealthy donors to the fact that they ensured that wealth security and minimal taxation are central goals in public policy.
“They have funded a parallel political network dedicated to destroying opposition and lowering basic social provisions in order to defend their wealth and privilege,” Friedland said.
Friedland said that the state of Wisconsin used to be a “laboratory of democracy.” He explained that Wisconsin politics in the late 20th century was a fusion of republicanism, populism, progressivism and UW-Madison’s “Wisconsin Idea.”
“The original Wisconsin Idea should be restored,” he said. “UW needs to be better connected to the people of the state and there needs to be more of a dialogue with the state’s legislature.”
William Doty, a junior at UW-Madison who attended the lecture, said he views this oligarchy as a “threat to the Wisconsin Idea.”
“There is a huge disconnection,” Doty said. “The people of Wisconsin are told to not worry about anything and just leave decision making up to these so-called experts.”