WEST ALLIS, Wis.—Dressed in matching black “Make America Great Again hats,” Trump pins and white Trump t-shirts, Juliana McMan and her three sisters stood together, eagerly waiting to see President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday night.
McMan, a day-one Trump supporter and a recent DePaul University graduate, traveled two hours from her home in western Illinois to the State Fair Park where she was one in a crowd of thousands that attended Trump’s “Thank You Tour.”
“The Chicago rally got shut down
The tour stop occurred in the blue Milwaukee County just one day after Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s recount wrapped up in Wisconsin. The recount uncovered that Trump had gained an extra 131 votes in the Badger State.
“Millions and millions of dollars were wasted and countless hours were spent, the recount vote has come back,” Trump said, and jokingly added that he would not call the recount a scam.
Vice President-elect Mike Pence and Trump both thanked the people of Wisconsin for turning the swing state Republican for the first time since 1984.
Gov. Scott Walker, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Jr. all spoke earlier in the night, rallying the crowd with promises of what the Trump administration would bring.
Ryan, who Trump said was growing on him like a “fine wine,” said a Trump administration would bring four years of unified government and the ability to clean up business regulations.
Along with common themes of defeating ISIS, ending trade deals, building a wall and bringing jobs back to America, Trump reflected on Election Day. He said that even he was surprised by his victory over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in states that polls projected him to lose. Trump said the media was devastated on election night.
Trump wrapped up the 90 minute speech with a promise that he would never let Wisconsin down.
“He loves America and he is going to be the best president,” McMan said. “That’s why we’re here, to say thank you. He’s saying thank you to us but we’re saying thank you to him.”