As the conversation of college affordability takes a national spotlight, U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, D-La Crosse, introduced bipartisan amendments to a national law Tuesday that
The bill, H.R. 529, aims to add new incentives to motivate Wisconsin residents to take advantage of the tax-free college savings program.
“With far too many hardworking Wisconsin families feeling the pinch when it comes to affording to send their children to a university of technical college, it is important that we take action to help ease the burden,” Kind said in a press release.
The amended bill looks to offer several incentives, like employer-matching programs, that would allow employers to match employees’ 401(k) plans based
This is the second time H.R. 529 has been amended since its inception in 2013, according to a congressional release.
By adding these incentives, Kind hopes to “[level] the playing field for hardworking Wisconsin parents and students.”
Kind touted that since the 529 College Savings Plan took effect in 1996, some 12 million people have used the plan to save an overall $225 billion for college expenses.