With the start of the fall semester quickly approaching, numerous campus-area streets will close to accommodate the more than 7,500 UW-Madison students moving into university residence halls on Saturday, Aug. 26, Tuesday, Aug. 29 and Wednesday, Aug. 30.
According to a university news release, Observatory Drive from Charter Street to Babcock Drive will be restricted to move-in traffic and will be one-way west, and Elm Drive north from Observatory Drive will be restricted to primarily move-in traffic and will be one-way going north. Additionally, Lake Street between Johnson and Dayton streets will be restricted to primarily move-in traffic and will be one-way north-bound, and Frances Street south of Dayton Street will be closed to traffic.
All parking lots near university residence halls will temporarily be used by those moving in, and university staff will be on hand to direct traffic throughout the week.
Students may move in any time after 8 a.m. on their assigned move-in day.