If your college application process was anything like ours, getting accepted into UW-Madison meant blasting Jump Around at full volume and committing as soon as possible. Upon signing that contract, we all became Badgers. Madison became our home, and our hearts began to skip beats at the thought of move-in day.
Once we pulled up to our dorms, we realized our college experience was going to be challenged with a single predicament: how are we going to make a difference in a school of almost 40,000 students?
UW-Madison is a campus packed with opportunities to get involved in. Revolutionary research, volunteering positions and great employment opportunities all make this school as amazing as it is. And let’s not forget, over 1,000 student organizations ranging from the Cheese Club to the American Marketing Association that focus on common interests, issues and identities come together every day to create positive differences.
Many of these organizations are also cause for change: whether through politics, identities, social views, or personal beliefs, we all want to make UW-Madison, Wisconsin and our country as amazing as they can be.
But change doesn’t come without effort. Often times, the issues that affect us the most are ignored, forgotten, or belittled. Part of our role, as students, is to actively fight for the things we believe in most; whether it’s college affordability, inclusivity, or ensuring more opportunities, we are in charge of our own futures and have to stand up for ourselves.
For these exact reasons, the idea of “student government,” one shared-governance body to effectively represent all students, came about. But the power of student government fully depends on how active it is, and how many students participate in it.
The Associated Students of Madison (ASM) is UW-Madison’s student government arm, ensuring students are heard in every decision the school makes.
Through different grassroots committees, shared governance boards, and student council, students involved in ASM can work on different campaigns and actually learn how to solve pressing issues, organize as a student body, and most importantly, make sure your voice is heard. In the past, ASM has helped ensure that low-income students have access to food through the Open Seat, that each student gets a bus pass, that UW-Madison stays inclusive and diverse, and that decisions made by the administration will include student voices in the process.
Services like the Open Seat, the Student Activity Center and event funding for different student organization are all made available by the ASM student government. Not to mention that student government, as a whole, is a great way to get involved on campus to make connections, see the legislative process, and become more socially and politically aware.
Any incoming student seeking a way to get involved on campus should definitely check out the Associated Students of Madison. There are countless ways to get involved, from initiating your own grassroots campaign, to serving on student services finance committee, to implementing environmentally friendly solutions to campus life.
On Friday, Sept. 1, we will be having our annual kick off in the symphony room at Gordons, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. At the event, you’ll learn what ASM is, what it does, and how to get involved! Most of ASM’s leadership will be there to talk and answer questions about their positions, committees and ways to get involved.
Aside from the grassroot committees, you can also learn about the internship program, the Open Seat, Student Services Finance Committee, Student Judiciary, paid positions and how to run for council!
To learn more about ASM, come to the Fall Kick Off on September 1st, from 1-3 p.m. at the Gordon’s symphony room or contact us at outreach@asm.wisc.edu.
Courtney is the Press Office Director of ASM and Yogev is the Outreach Director of ASM. What are your thoughts on the importance of student government? Do you or do you know someone who is actively involved in campus politics and administration? Please send any and all questions, comments and concerns to opinion@dailycardinal.com.