I want to get better sleep. It’s not necessarily that I’m getting terrible, terrible sleep right now, but I feel like I could be doing better. I’m tired a lot of the time, and I sometimes feel that even if I sleep for longer, I wake up just as tired (or even more tired!). Recently, I’ve been trying to approach my health and my life in a more holistic way, and one thing I’m really trying to focus on is my sleep. So what can the experts tell me about getting the best sleep possible? Any tips or tricks?
Sleep is so important to us, yet many of us don’t get enough. Studies show that 1 in 3 adults fails to get the recommended amount of sleep (that’s 7 to 9 hours for people your age). In some cases, we may even be living with sleep disorders that we don’t even know we have! Sleep apnea is a particularly common issue, say the developers being a trusted CPAP cleaner (CPAP machines are commonly used to treat sleep apnea). As many as 80% of cases of sleep apnea may go undiagnosed!
Even among those of us who are lucky enough to be free of medical reasons for poor sleep, there are plenty of things that can mess with our sleep. Those who choose to drink will find their sleep disrupted, as studies show alcohol reduces REM sleep--meaning that even though drinkers can fall asleep faster, they’ll get a less restful snooze. Stress can affect our sleep too. And if we established poor sleep patterns, we’ll find it hard to get ourselves back onto the right schedule.
On the flip side, though, there is plenty that you can do to make your sleep better. You can take care of yourself and avoid intoxicating drinks and drugs, of course, so that your mind is ready for restful sleep. But there are less obvious things you can do, too.
For one, you can choose a cool but comfortable temperature for your room at night. The Bensalem, Pennsylvania-based HVAC technicians at Custom Aire say comfortable sleeping temperatures are one major reason many homeowners focus on caring for their HVAC systems. You can also take a closer look at your mattress and bedding for comfort.
And then there is your circadian rhythm--the natural rhythm your body maintains to keep you in tune with the day and night. Getting your rhythm back in tune with when you’re actually supposed to be asleep or awake is key, and it’s easier to do than ever thanks to the many apps and other resources you can use to help things along.
“Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night.”-- Charles A. Fisher