As summer finally begins to wind down, college kids across the country start gearing up for the semester. For some, like the seniors and others who just do not care, this may not be a big deal. They might be waiting until the night before to begin throwing things into boxes.
But for others, who have been creating and then recreating their packing list since May, college cannot come soon enough. These kids have been scouring the internet for tips and tricks for things as varied as maximizing space in their dorm room to making friends without looking like that freshman. One thing you might have forgot to study is what should you be doing now? Before you move to college?
1. Spend time with family
Since this could be pretty obvious, take this as a reminder. Go shopping with your mom. Help your dad do yardwork. Take your siblings out to eat. Trust me, you will definitely miss your family. You may not think so — you may think you have the most annoying parents in the world — but you don’t and you will miss mom nagging you to clean your room and dad constantly asking how the school day went.
2. Spend time with friends
This might be something you do not need to be told to do or be reminded of. But, this could be the last time for a long while that all your friends are in the same place. Take advantage of the opportunity, get together and make some memories.
3. Get a fitness routine down
It is never a bad idea to get some exercise during your day. Once classes begin, it might be hard to find that extra time to crunch a workout in. To make it easier to get yourself there, and to then reap all the benefits of physical activity, start now. Make a habit of sweating once a day before going to college to increase the chances that you remain active.
4. Don’t rush packing
Prepare yourself in advance so you don’t end up pulling an all-nighter the day before move-in. Plan ahead and give yourself ample time to get everything together. Plus, you might end up realizing you need to get something and this way you’ll have time to do so.
5. Budget your money
Hopefully, you worked hard this summer and were able to save a decent amount of your wages. It will take some stress away if you plan out how much you can let yourself spend each month. This will also ensure you don’t find yourself without enough money to eat once spring finally rolls around.
6. Finally, relax
College is stressful. There are no ifs,