The Global Health Institute and the School of Veterinary Medicine at UW-Madison celebrated One Health Day by featuring keynote speaker Dr. Jonathan Sleeman.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, One Health Day is a global health campaign that hopes to address the shared health threats humans, animals
The colloquium was Wisconsin’s third annual health forum and aims to cover a vast breadth of disciplines related to health, according to Haley Johnson, a student on the student leadership board for One Health.
Sleeman, the center director for the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center,
Toward the end of Sleeman’s presentation, he shared the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the audience in hopes of encouraging people to move toward a One Health Global approach.
“In order to make a change we must have a seat at the table during interventions, agreements, or projects,” Sleeman said.
According to Sleeman, it’s important to be engaged with one another and to create