Gov. Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) announced Monday that $1 million is available in funding through the Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward program aimed at teacher training and recruitment.
The training is designed to help teachers in low-income and urban areas meet the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction guidelines.
“I’ve always said that what’s best for our kids is what’s best for our state, and that’s why we have prioritized providing resources to our educators and our schools to ensure every kid in every community has access to a quality public education,” said Gov. Evers in a press release. “Our K-12 schools are among the best in the country, and I’m glad to be providing more resources to bring the best and brightest educators into our classrooms.”
Gov. Evers originally proposed expanding these funds to $1.2 million in his 2019-2021 budget, but the item was removed in the Legislature by Republicans who did not include it in their final budget that was signed into law.
In 2020, the DWD’s program awarded two $500,000 grants to the City Forward Collective, which helped train 140 teachers in Milwaukee and expand the Emerging Educators program in Milwaukee public schools. The second was awarded to the Urban League of Greater Madison, which used the grant to recruit and train 32 teachers to the Madison Metropolitan School District and the Verona Area School District.
“Wisconsin students, no matter who they are or where they live, have the right to quality education,” said DWD Secretary-designee Pechacek. “Investing in our teachers so that they can provide high-quality education is an investment in both our current workforce and future workforce generations.”
Funds are available for non-profit and tax exempt organizations. Applications to receive funds are due March 4.
Features editor