This week host Oliver Gerharz sits down with the Daily Cardinal's Photo Editor Mary Bosch to discuss an interesting voting trend from the April 2nd Wisconsin Primary. In the primary, more than thirty percent of campus area voters voted for "uninstructed delegation", signaling a significant disconnect between the Biden administration and the youth.
Articles recapped in this week's campus news in brief segment:
UW Board of Regents approve tuition increase for second year in a row - Ella Hanley
UW System employees to receive six weeks of paid family leave - Nick Bumgardner
Multicultural Student Center holds 35th anniversary gala, debuts fundraiser targeting food insecurity - Bryna Goeking
Mary Bosch is the college news editor and photo editor emeritus for The Daily Cardinal. She is a second year journalism and sociology student with a focus in data. Follow her on twitter: @Mary_Bosch6