High school students, school staff, religious leaders, parents and other locals voiced their concerns Monday following the shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in December to government, public safety and school officials during a packed listening session at Monona Public Library.
“I never thought, you know, as a parent, [that a school shooting] would happen here. But we’re far beyond that point,” one speaker said.
The session was hosted by Rep. Shelia Stubbs, D-Madison, and Sen. Kelda Roys, D-Madison. Officials from the city of Madison, city of Monona and local school districts listened as residents shared their experiences working in schools and the community, highlighting their own thoughts about how to best address gun violence in schools through solutions such as mental health intervention or metal detectors.
“We [the community] also need to hold each other accountable,” said one speaker. “Check up on [kids]. Don’t just throw a telephone or laptop in front of them and expect them to know better.”
Other community members said the lack of mental health support and education negatively affects kids.
“[There is] a stigma that it’s somewhat wrong to ask for help,” said Madison Metropolitan School District School Board candidate Bret Wagner. “We need to normalize help seeking.”
The rise in school shootings in the United States has prompted many communities around the nation, including Dane County, to ready themselves for a possible school shooting in their own neighborhoods. For Dane County, that became a reality just a few weeks ago, when a teenage student shot and killed two people, and injured six, at Abundant Life Christian School on Dec. 16.
“We know that this can’t happen again,” Madison Deputy Mayor Reuben Sanon said.
In an opening statement, Stubbs highlighted the recent work of the Legislature and Gov. Tony Evers attempting to curb gun violence.
In the month following the Abundant Life Christian School shooting, Evers announced an executive order establishing the Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, criticized the creation of the new office.
In his State of the State address, Evers also announced plans to introduce two gun control policies, but Republican lawmakers said on Jan. 22 all of the gun control measures would be dismissed.
Wisconsin Republicans have proposed their own ideas for curbing gun violence in schools, including arming teachers and safety grants.When the GOP proposed arming teachers in 2023, Evers rejected the proposal, saying he would veto the bill.
Drew Wesson is a staff writer and photographer for The Daily Cardinal. He has written stories covering public safety, protests, political events and more. You can follow him on Twitter @drewwesson1.