About Us
The Daily Cardinal
2142 Vilas Communication Hall
821 University Avenue
Madison, Wis. 53706-1497
(608) 262-8000 - Fax (608) 262-8100
The Daily Cardinal is online every day, published in print each Thursday and distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and in the surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000.
The Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university and is completely independent. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales.
The Cardinal was founded in 1892 by William Wesley Young who named the paper after UW-Madison's official colors, cardinal and white.
Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal's printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.
How to get involved
Interested in writing for The Daily Cardinal? Check the "Join the Flock" page for more information!
Who to follow
Twitter: @dailycardinal, @Cardinal_Sports, @Cardinal_Arts
Facebook: The Daily Cardinal
Instagram: The Daily Cardinal
YouTube: The Daily Cardinal
Spotify: The Student Dive
Advertising Information
Click here for advertising information.
Contact Information
Send letters to the editor to: editor@dailycardinal.com. Please send event listings to me@dailycardinal.com. Comments regarding the website and newspaper in general may be sent to edit@dailycardinal.com.
To contact a specific person, please see the list below.
Editorial Staff
Editor-In-Chief - x211
Francesca Pica
Managing Editor - x212
Ava Menkes
News Manager
Jasper Bernstein
Campus Editor
Gavin Escott
College Editor
Noe Goldhaber
City Editor
Marin Rosen
State Editor
Anna Kleiber
Associate Editor
Ella Hanley
Features Editor
Tomer Ronen
Special Pages Editor
Zoe Kukla
Podcast Director
Oliver Gerharz
Opinion Editors
Blake Martin and Lauren Stoneman
Editorial Board Chair
Franchesca Reuter
Editorial Board
Blake Martin, Lauren Stoneman, Graham Brown, Ava Menkes, Charlotte Relac, Francesca Pica and Franchesca Reuter
Arts Editors
Bryna Goeking and Rebekah Irby
Sports Editors
Shane Colpoys and Ian Wilder
Life & Style Editor
Hallie Albert and Alexandra Malatesta
Science Editor
Lindsay Pfeiffer
Photo Editor
Mary Bosch and Raaidah Aqeel
Graphics Editors
Paige Stevenson and Hailey Johnson
Copy Chiefs
Isabella Barajas and Clara Strecker
Business Staff
Business Manager - x205
Emily Chin
Advertising Managers - x201
Marketing Director
Clara Taylor
Social Media Manager
Carson Klaas