Become a Cardinal Wings member
There are few experiences that compare to seeing your name in print for the first time, having election night pizza with your friends and covering once-in-a-lifetime news events.
When you become a Cardinal Wings member, you ensure generations of future Cardinal staffers can continue experiencing the joy of covering local news and give them a leg up in professional development as they start their reporting careers.
All members receive a free quarterly e-newsletter with the latest updates from Cardinal writers, photographers, artists and editors.
Members also receive a tax deduction receipt for qualifying 501(c)(3) donations at the end of the calendar year.
Want to help Daily Cardinal staffers spread their wings? Choose from one of the monthly or yearly donation plans below to become a Cardinal Wings member.
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Disclaimer: Donations to Cardinal Wings do not entitle donors to input nor power regarding The Daily Cardinal editorial content, Daily Cardinal Media Corporation operations, the Daily Cardinal Alumni Association nor any other decisions related to The Daily Cardinal, DCMC or DCAA. Cardinal alumni are asked to donate through the DCAA, not Cardinal Wings.