City council asks Air Force to reconsider housing fighter jets at Truax Field
By Abby Schinderle | Sep. 19, 2019Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said she is disappointed in the U.S. Air Force’s failure to provide adequate information about the project.
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said she is disappointed in the U.S. Air Force’s failure to provide adequate information about the project.
Vaping has become a staple of college culture at UW-Madison — but now the consequences are severe.
Administrators from Student Affairs attended an Associated Students of Madison meeting Wednesday night to plan the best ways to support students during this academic year.
The Associated Students of Madison’s Equity & Inclusion Committee met Tuesday night to create goals for the semester, including improving various UW-Madison trainings to be more inclusive for all students.
Legislators from both sides of the aisle came together in hopes of updating legislation regarding child safety seat laws at the capitol Tuesday afternoon alongside medical professionals.
Gov. Tony Evers and Department of Administration Sec.-Designee Joel Brennan will travel to six state courthouses on Tuesday to announce openings for more than 60 assistant district attorney positions.
Gov. Tony Evers signed Executive Order #45 on Monday to address the ongoing phenomenon of retirement insecurity throughout Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s aging population is expected to increase 60 percent by 2030, yet one out of every seven voters has no method to save for retirement.
The project would incorporate a new homeless shelter, increased mental health services, transitional rooms and income-based housing.
The autumn breeze of September signals stressful back-to-school time, meaning a shopping frenzy and navigating new schedules. However, for some parents, an additional concern looms: whether or not to vaccinate their children.
A UW-Eau Claire student’s door decoration was vandalized with a racial slur against Indigenous people and the words “go back to the rez.”
The Green Bay Packers donated a soil sample to the Tiny Earth project, where instructors and students work to locate cures for antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
At Cap Times’ annual Idea Fest, the panel discussed concerns about transportation and the local housing market — both major sources of frustration in Seattle.
Between 2014 and 2017, faculty numbers decreased by 7.7 percent and administration positions increased by 3.5 percent between all 26 UW System campuses.
The Department of Public Instruction released results of the Wisconsin Student Assessment System exams on Thursday, showing less than half of students statewide are proficient in English language arts and mathematics.
City officials have opposing views on nighttime safety initiatives and funding.
Seeking out counseling for mental health can be difficult for anyone, but students from underrepresented backgrounds sometimes must navigate additional barriers surrounding language and identity. As a result, UW Mental Health Services is working towards building multicultural awareness into their practice.
Packer fan Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-WI, re-introduced legislation that would require every cable, satellite and video provider to broadcast Green Bay Packers games to all Wisconsin subscribers.
Democratic representatives proposed legislation to increase Milwaukee County’s sales tax by one percent in order to address financial challenges faced by public service institutions.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Madison will honor the 2019 National Philanthropy Day Award winners this November, including the UW Pre-Veterinary Association.
In August 2018, Foxconn pledged to invest $100 million in research and an engineering facility at UW-Madison, but the university reported only receiving $70,000 so far.