CBS correspondent, UW alumnus talks future of journalism
By Alison Bauter and JoEllen Amato | Apr. 29, 2011
UW doctors face charges for giving medical excuse notes to protesters
By Anna Duffin | Apr. 28, 2011
Syrian conflict deserves international attention
By Justine Colgan | Apr. 28, 2011Following a revolution like the Arab spring is difficult. The major conflicts, from a media coverage perspective, seem to be coming in large waves. Tunisia gave birth to the revolution, whose influence made its way toward Egypt and the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak. The global conversation then switched over to the pending conflict in Yemen for only a brief time before eventually switching over to Libya. The recent protests in Syria, though similar in spirit to other mid-size revolts, are actually a game-changer that initiates a whole new chapter in the Arab Spring.