Three talented freshmen making names for themselves in Madison
By Parker Gabriel | Nov. 17, 2010
Against inexperienced Sioux, Badgers look for second win
By Joe Lynch and Sam Sussman | Nov. 16, 2010
NHL All-Star Game reform a big step in the right direction
By Maureen Backman and Ryan Evans | Nov. 16, 2010
GOP's time to shine with economic reform
By Matt Beaty | Nov. 16, 2010Last week, Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, chairmen of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, released a proposal detailing a five-part plan to reduce the deficit. Although their proposal has well-intentioned ideas, it lacks some necessary steps needed to adequately address the federal deficit.
Governor's MTV-style crib not worth money
By Miles Kellerman | Nov. 16, 2010When Governor-elect Scott Walker takes office Jan. 3, 2011, he'll inherit a projected deficit of $2.7 billion and an unemployment rate of 7 percent. He'll also inherit a beautiful new home worthy of recognition on ""MTV Cribs."" The Wisconsin Governor's Mansion, located in Maple Bluff village, is a $2.5 million manor sitting on 3.7 acres of prime lakeside property. The mansion, built in 1920, features seven bedrooms, 13 bathrooms and seven major gardens, including a gazebo.
Professor responsible to prevent student cheating on exams
By Mike Muggee | Nov. 16, 2010A few weeks ago at the University of Central Florida, about 200 out of the 600 students in a senior level management class were thought to have had a copy of a midterm test prior to the exam. The university is allowing the cheaters to retake the exam (with different questions), along with taking an ethics seminar if they come forward and admit to the cheating. If they do not confess, cheaters face consequences as severe as expulsion.