Man arrested for attempted burglary, resisting arrest
By The Daily Cardinal | Mar. 1, 2010A 41-year-old Madison man was arrested for attempted burglary and resisting arrest, according to a police report.
A 41-year-old Madison man was arrested for attempted burglary and resisting arrest, according to a police report.
More than 400 participants danced Friday night at the Shell for the Wisconsin Dance Marathon, raising over $80,000 to be donated to the American Family Children's Hospital.
While UW-Madison science graduate programs focus on recruitment and creating a welcoming climate for minority students, diversity numbers have remained constant.
What Mayor Dave Cieslewicz has termed ""the great Wilco debate"" is unfolding as Ald. Satya Rhodes-Conway, District 12, introduced a resolution to make members of the band Wilco honorary citizens of Madison.
The city Landlord and Tenant Issues Subcommittee discussed a controversial proposal to extend the dates landlords can begin rerenting occupied property Thursday.
The state Senate passed a bill Thursday that would provide basic health insurance to thousands of low-income Wisconsin residents.
Gov. Jim Doyle signed a law that mandates comprehensive sex education in all Wisconsin public schools Wednesday.
UW-Madison's First Wave hip-hop dance performance group has been selected to participate in Contacting the World 2010, an international theater project that marks First Wave's debut on the world stage.
Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker's recent pledge to create 250,000 new jobs if elected governor is drawing criticism from both sides of the aisle.
The Associated Students of Madison Student Council approved ASM's internal budget of over $1.1 million Wednesday.
Although Wisconsin remains one of the top-ranked states in terms of organic dairy production, the economic recession has halted the industry's growth over the past year, according to a recent UW-Madison study.
Live Action, a California-based anti-abortion group, attacked Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Wednesday by releasing an undercover video showing a clinic staff member at the Milwaukee facility allegedly taking illegal action during an appointment.
Students will soon have a voice in how UW-Madison spends millions of tuition dollars specified for technology, members of the Associated Students of Madison's Shared Governance Committee said Tuesday.
Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett spoke about the economy at a business conference in Madison Tuesday.
A change in the city's lakeshore zoning code may make it easier for the Edgewater Hotel renovation project to get underway.
The state Assembly failed to override Gov. Jim Doyle's veto of a bill that would have removed the governor's power to appoint the Department of National Resources secretary Tuesday.
The reallocation of student organization office space in the Student Activity Center has created conflict between the SAC Governing Board and other members of the Associated Students of Madison.
Several panelists discussed funding options for public higher education at a public forum at Memorial Union Tuesday.
The role of off-guard in basketball is one that requires a scorer's mentality. It often takes a player away from the ball, preparing to weave through screens, aggressively hunting down shots and looking to score. It is a role senior guard Jason Bohannon has adeptly held during his time as a Badger.