Dispute, assault over panhandling hotspot leads to arrest
Nov. 20, 2009A homeless man was arrested Tuesday afternoon for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest after he assaulted a man on the 500 block of State Street, according to a police report.
WISPIRG simulation places UW students in role of homeless
By Ryan Hebel | Nov. 20, 2009UW-Madison sophomore Alana Bandos had not seen the homeless connection to students until a recent lunch at Rheta's cafeteria in Chabourne Hall.
Wisconsin Management Company
Nov. 20, 2009Use the comment feature below to review Wisconsin Management Company.
UW System drops consultant in UW-Milwaukee research dispute
By Ariel Shapiro | Nov. 20, 2009Under pressure from Gov. Jim Doyle, the UW System withdrew Tuesday from a funding dispute between UW-Madison and UW-Milwaukee over research related to water technology.
Apex Property Management
Nov. 20, 2009Use the comment feature below to review Apex Property Management.
Unemployment rate decreases to 7.6 percent in October
By Abby Becker | Nov. 20, 2009Wisconsin's unemployment rate decreased from 7.7 percent to 7.6 percent this October, according to a report released by the Department of Workforce Development Thursday.
UW-Madison awarded $9.5 million for influenza research
By Alison Dirr | Nov. 20, 2009UW-Madison was awarded $9.5 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for influenza virus research, it was announced Thursday.
Edgewater renovation discussed
By Beth Pickhard | Nov. 19, 2009The Madison Landmarks Commission and the Urban Design Commission discussed the Edgewater Hotel renovation Wednesday night during a joint meeting held at the Madison Senior Center.
Blue Velvet Lounge unable to increase capacity
By Caitlin Gath | Nov. 19, 2009The Alcohol License Review Committee was unable to increase the capacity of the Blue Velvet Lounge due to the Alcohol License Density Plan at Wednesday night's meeting.
ASM recommends Woulf for voting member on ALRC
By Peter Cameron and Ian Byrne | Nov. 19, 2009The Associated Students of Madison Student Council voted Wednesday to recommend Mark Woulf to fill the position of a citizen-voting member on the Alcohol License Review Committee.
UW students struggle with restrictive HMOs
By Ryan Hebel | Nov. 19, 2009If UW-Madison student Steven Sobeck asked every clinic in Madison to treat and refill his prescriptions for hyperthyroidism, their response would be unanimous: ""Go home.""
Early voting leads to lower voter turnout
By Alison Dirr | Nov. 18, 2009Early voting policies lead to lower voter turnout according to a new study conducted by UW-Madison political science professors in conjunction with the Government Accountability Board.
Football game sparks dreams of diamonds
By Jillian Levy | Nov. 18, 2009Romance is not my thing. Some people like it, some don't. I am in the latter category. Sure, flowers are nice, chocolate is better, but I'd rather have a six pack of Spotted Cow and a slice of Ian's any day.
Petition to unionize UW System employees
By Steven Rosenbaum | Nov. 18, 2009Three unions, all of which represent UW System employees, filed petitions with the Wisconsin Employment Relations Committee to include the employees in unions last week.