Madison Initiative Oversight Committee to fund proposals
By Grace Urban | Nov. 3, 2009The Madison Initiative Oversight Committee is meeting Tuesday to decide which proposals will be implemented immediately with the use of Initiative funds and which need to be revised.
This campus could use a few improvements
By Gillian Levy | Nov. 3, 2009I'm relatively sure most students would agree that as gorgeous and wonderful as our campus is, it could benefit from a pretty serious makeover.
Mayor intends to appoint student ALRC member
By Grace Urban | Nov. 3, 2009Mayor Dave Cieslewicz announced his intention of appointing a student voting member to the Alcohol License Review Committee Monday.
Faculty Senate approves resolution to oppose graduate school reform
By Ryan Hebel | Nov. 3, 2009UW-Madison's Faculty Senate almost unanimously approved a resolution Monday opposing any action to restructure the graduate school until a thorough, shared governance process is completed.
I'm so sick of being objectificationed!
By Erin Kay Van Pay | Nov. 2, 2009Every night before I get my beauty sleep, I put my cucumbers on, lie on my pink silk sheets in my Victoria's Secret Sexy Little Things collection laced bra with matching crotchless panties and I think to myself, why do I feel so objectificationed all the time?
Few arrests at football game
By The Daily Cardinal and Elliot Morris | Nov. 2, 2009The UW-Madison Police Department made fifteen arrests and 36 ejections at the Badger football game against Purdue Saturday.
Students not eligible for H1N1 vaccine
By Callie Rathburn | Nov. 2, 2009The Department of Public Health for Madison & Dane County and local health-care organization representatives spoke Monday about the H1N1 vaccine shortage in the Madison and Dane County area.
Pinker discusses nature of language
By Anna Discher | Nov. 2, 2009Steven Pinker, leading cognitive scientist and author of ""The Stuff of Thought,"" attracted a full house Sunday night at the Wisconsin Union Theater as he spoke about language as a window into human nature.
Third Eye Blind draws huge crowd
By Caitlin Gath | Nov. 1, 2009Of the 44,000 tickets sold for Freakfest, not all were bought to parade around State Street dressed in disguise, but instead were purchased to see the event's headlining band, Third Eye Blind.
Freakfest as tame as ever
By Caitlin Gath | Nov. 1, 2009Freakfest began four years ago as a city-sanctioned event to offset years of Halloween violence and riots downtown, with this year being the tamest yet.
Few arrests at football game
By The Daily Cardinal | Nov. 1, 2009The UW-Madison Police Department made fifteen arrests and 36 ejections at the Badger football game against Purdue Saturday.
Student involvement and interest in politics on the decline
By Jessica Feld | Nov. 1, 2009Part 1 of 3 in a series on student political activism
Location of Obama visit disclosed
By Hannah Furfaro | Nov. 1, 2009President Barack Obama will speak at Wright Middle School in Madison Wednesday, the White House confirmed Friday.