Jackie Luskey
Campus center helps UW students with learning disabilities achieve academic self-sufficiency
By Jackie Luskey and Maddy Wolfe and Dana Kampa | Feb. 16, 2006With an enrollment that reaches 50,000, it is easy for students with disabilities to get lost in the crowd. However, the McBurney Disability Resource Center strives to accommodate individual students ' ¦
Amid state attack on Plan B, UW health services defends distribution practices
By Jackie Luskey | Nov. 28, 2005Assembly Bill 343, which prohibits the distribution of emergency contraceptive prescriptions from any UW System University Health Services center was passed in the Wisconsin state Assembly in June and now ' ¦
Pro-marijuana org. asks Greek system for financial support
By Jackie Luskey | Oct. 3, 2005The national non-profit organization, Marijuana Policy Project, is asking fraternities and sororities at UW-Madison and other universities to raise money and awareness for its mission to make marijuana legal. Similar ' ¦
Students demand unions for UW apparel workers
By Jackie Luskey | Sep. 29, 2005Protesters decry abuse of sweatshop workers
Students conflicted on Stop the War rally
By Jackie Luskey | Sep. 15, 2005A Stop the War rally on Library Mall was met with mixed reactions Wednesday, as students and bypassers simultaneously sympathized with the cause but were confused and disappointed with the ' ¦
Rise in moped ownership spurs new laws
By Jackie Luskey | Sep. 8, 2005Moped owners will have to start following the rules of the road this week as the UW-Madison Police Department began the process of educating moped owners about new moped regulations ' ¦
Bars let underagers in for musical acts
By Liz Puibello and Jackie Luskey | Sep. 8, 2005In June, the Madison City Council enacted an ordinance allowing patrons 18 years of age or older into licensed venues where structured entertainment is taking place. \Madison has a particularly ' ¦
Unique course explores multiracial Amer. West via bus
By Jackie Luskey | Jun. 3, 2005\The Santa Fe Trail,"" a UW-Madison traveling classroom summer course, embarked June 2 for a two-week exploration of racial issues and history found within the U.S. West. The course aims ' ¦
UW group examines academic gender gap
By Jackie Luskey | Apr. 1, 2005The Wisconsin Women Equal Prosperity Project discussed gender inequalities within the university on Thursday at the Pyle Center. Louise Root-Robbins, co-director of the UW System Sloan Project for Academic Career ' ¦