Letter: Recently fired ASM council members should not be rehired
By Nick Checker | Nov. 3, 2011The recent decision of the Student Council to reappoint Mr. Magallon and Ms. Haung to their former seats was a disturbing but unsurprising revelation. It is blatantly obvious that a cabal within Student Council has an agenda to undermine the legitimacy of the Judiciary as a co-equal branch of branch of ASM and exaggerate an already large accountability gap. Of course Council’s actions are technically legal (no matter how stupid) but are nevertheless devious. The near unanimity confirming Beth and Niko suggests ethical considerations run secondary to what has accurately been described as cronyism. Whereas the Court acted in the student interest, Council’s decision is an affront to that prerogative. Those seeking elected office no doubt seek to enact positive change at this university and assume an enormous responsibility given the level of autonomy afforded ASM. However, there is a widely held perception by students that ASM is irrelevant; this action only lends additional credence to that notion, and undermines the efforts of students actually committed to serving their peers.