Ricky Quinones
King Street calm after Majestic penalties
By Ricky Quinones | Oct. 16, 2006Downtown Madison has been calmer and for the most part violence free since police placed restrictions on Club Majestic, 115 King St., in late September. '
Old 'little Italy'back in action
By Ben Schapiro and Ricky Quinones | May. 3, 2006Area elementary school students present history of Greenbush neighborhoodCommunity members and students joined forces on Tuesday to showcase the history of one of Madison's oldest and most well-known neighborhoods. Fifth ' ¦
Austin King elected City Council President
By Ricky Quinones | Apr. 19, 2006City decides to acquire Allied Dr. property, delay U. Square razingThe Madison City Council elected Ald.Austin King, District 8, as its new president Tuesday and approved the purchase of several ' ¦
While ethnic food reigns supreme, Madison's burger market takes a backseat
By Ricky Quinones | Apr. 13, 2006Madison, specifically the State Street area, is often heralded as the place to go to get away from the traditional American dining experience and enjoy a new and exciting taste ' ¦
As county board race heats up, lakes take center stage
By Ricky Quinones | Feb. 15, 2006Pollution in Madison's lakes is a hot topic heading into Tuesday's Dane County Board of Supervisors District 5 election and, according to one UW-Madison professor, the attention is warranted. Two ' ¦
Blogs hit Madison as local polls look to stay connected
By Ricky Quinones | Jan. 25, 2006As politicians began turning to technology to interact with their constituencies and the rest of the world, two Madison alders and one Madison area state representative have started Web logs, ' ¦
Bomb threats up after Christmas Eve explosion
By Ricky Quinones | Jan. 13, 2006Bomb scares in downtown Madison have kept area law enforcement busier than usual this winter. The most recent scares took place Wednesday, as three threats occupied police for most of ' ¦
Thin ice on area lakes adds risk to winter recreation
By Ricky Quinones | Dec. 8, 2005As winter closes in on Wisconsin, many look forward to using frozen lakes for recreation. Those doing so need to exercise caution, however, as thin ice can be deceiving and ' ¦
Council approves apartment building to replace Milan’s
By Ricky Quinones | Nov. 30, 2005The Madison Common Council met Tuesday evening, acting on proposals concerning new buildings, the keg ordinance and business regulations for churches.