Shira Nanus
Regents close to naming UW chancellor finalists
By Shira Nanus | May. 6, 2008The chair of the Chancellor Search and Screen Committee Marsha Mailick Seltzer said names of finalists to replace current Chancellor John Wiley will be announced Wednesday.
History prof. receives alumni outreach award
By Shira Nanus | Apr. 29, 2008UW-Madison history professor Jeremi Suri will receive the 2008 Ken and Linda Ciriacks Faculty Outreach Excellence Award by the Wisc. Alumni Association
UW Athletics in Action campaign to visually show AIDS statistic
By Shira Nanus | Apr. 8, 2008According to event coordinators, one in 20 children in sub-Saharan Africa is orphaned as a result of AIDS.
UW close to U. of Minnesota's campus-wide wireless coverage
By Shira Nanus | Mar. 11, 2008The University of Minnesota will launch a new, fast campus-wide wireless network in May. Brian rust of UW-Madison's Division of Information Technology said UW's network now extends to 95 percent of campus buildings.
UW faculty to launch fundraising campaign
By Shira Nanus and Sarah Zipperle | Mar. 4, 2008The UW Foundation will match each dollar raised by the faculty.
MLB Commissioner Bud Selig praises UW history department
By Shira Nanus | Feb. 19, 2008Commissioner of Major League Baseball and UW alumunus Bud Selig addressed students Monday on the role of his history degree in sports management.
Students pack Union to hear Chelsea Clinton: Former first daughter stumps for Hillary
By Shira Nanus | Feb. 12, 2008Chelsea Clinton, daughter of presidential hopeful U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N,Y., answered questions on topic ranging from the Iraq War to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual rights.
UW leaps ahead in '07 'best-value' public colleges ranking
By Shira Nanus | Jan. 18, 2008UW-Madison showed significant increase in affordability, according to Kiplinger's national ranking.
Two UW December graduates to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
By Clay Thomas and Shira Nanus | Dec. 13, 2007Brianna Bakker and Julia Piernot will climb an uncommon route of Mount Kilimanjaro in January