Soren Nieminen
Only a new leader can change China
By Soren Nieminen | Jan. 27, 2011Chinese President Hu Jintao is among the two most powerful men in the world, so his recent visit to the United States should come as no surprise since we are among the biggest consumers of the products his country's exports. The secret has been out for a while: China is on track to rule the world. But is Jintao the man to lead them in to this new globalized society?
Importance of mental health counseling apparent in Arizona
By Soren Nieminen | Jan. 25, 2011How does society stop a murderer? In the wake of the shooting in Arizona by Jared Lee Loughner, it leaves one perturbed by the fact that some members of our society are suffering from mental illnesses that may cause such violent behavior.
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State-wide strike will negate protest's message
By Soren Nieminen | Mar. 22, 2011Soren Nieminen
Cuts to Corporation for Public Broadcasting threaten communication
By Soren Nieminen | Feb. 27, 2011Soren Nieminen